Mar 11, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2024-2025 College Catalog and Student Handbook

2024-2025 College Catalog and Student Handbook


Terms: Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025

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Use the Catalog Search at the top of the left-hand navigation to find information in the online catalog.

Rappahannock Community College archives all past official catalogs so that relevant information for the course and degree requirements sufficient to serve former and returning students is readily available. Digital PDF versions of catalogs from the last previous six years can be obtained by emailing Please note that students can only graduate from a catalog that is not more than six years old. Beyond six years, archived official catalogs are stored in the Office of the Registrar. If catalog information is needed from more than six years ago, please contact the College Registrar. 

Archived Catalogs: 
2023-24 RCC Catalog and Student Handbook PDF 
2022-23 RCC Catalog and Student Handbook PDF  
2021-22 RCC Catalog and Student Handbook.PDF  
2020-21 RCC Catalog and Student Handbook.PDF   
2019-20 RCC Catalog and Student Handbook.PDF  
2018-19 RCC Catalog and Student Handbook.PDF   

Rappahannock Community College provides its website, catalog, handbooks, and any other printed materials or electronic media for your general guidance. The college does not guarantee that the information contained within them, including, but not limited to, the contents of any page that resides under the DNS registrations of, is up-to-date, complete, and accurate and that individuals assume any risks associated with relying upon such information without checking other credible sources, such as a student’s academic advisor. 

In addition, a student’s or prospective student’s reliance upon information contained within these sources, or individual program catalogs or handbooks, when making academic decisions does not constitute, and should not be construed as, a contract with the college. 

Further, the college reserves the right to make changes to any provision or requirement within these sources, as well as changes to any curriculum or program. Our students are responsible for staying abreast of all publicized changes and for complying with those changes.  

Links or references to other materials and websites provided in the above-referenced sources are also for information purposes only and do not constitute the college’s endorsement of products or services referenced. 

Students and prospective students may find the information resources of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) of use in planning for college and careers. SCHEV has created an institutional profile for each Virginia public college and university and each independent college or university participating in the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program.  

Copyright 2023 Rappahannock Community College