Sep 17, 2024  
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Reporting Acts of Academic Dishonesty

A faculty member must provide the Dean of Student Development and the academic dean with a written report of any disciplinary action taken in response to an act of academic dishonesty. The report of the offense and action must be forwarded to both the Dean of Student Development and the academic dean on the same day as the meeting occurs to inform the student of the offense and consequence. In no instance shall this report be provided to the Dean of Student Development and the academic dean later than the same day as when the student is informed of the offense and the consequence, and in no instance shall the meeting with the student and the report to the deans occur more than 5 business days after the observed, or discovered, action of academic dishonesty. The report must include the name of the accused student, the course number and class section number, the student’s EMPLID, the nature of the action of academic dishonesty, and the specific disciplinary action taken.

Possible Disciplinary Actions

All formal reports of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by both the academic dean and the Dean of Student Development. If a student has been found responsible for any prior acts of academic dishonesty and is now determined to be responsible for an additional act, either by the student’s acceptance of the instructor’s initial accusation or by the final determination of any hearings or appeal, the Dean of Student Development will take immediate disciplinary action. The Dean of Student Development will act to either (1) suspend the student from the institution for a period of time not to exceed one year or (2) dismiss the student from the College. The student will be notified by the Dean of Student Development in writing of such action within 10 business days. A statement of this action will be included in the student’s academic record. A student who is suspended or dismissed will be immediately withdrawn from all coursework in which she or he is enrolled.

Hearing Panel

A student who has received disciplinary action as a result of dishonesty observed by a faculty or staff member and/or has been suspended or dismissed from the institution by the Dean of Student Development may appeal the sanction(s) and request that a hearing panel review their case within five business days of the imposition of the sanction by the faculty or staff member or within five business days of the receipt of the formal notification by the Dean of Student Development.

Panel Composition 

The President of the College appoints the hearing panel members, consisting of three teaching faculty with fair representation from all areas of instruction.

Appeals Hearings

A student who has made an appeal will receive written notification from the College of the time, place, and date of the hearing at least five business days before the hearing. The student may elect not to appear at a hearing, but the hearing will be held in his or her absence. If a student elects not to appear at the hearing, the student may submit a signed statement to the Chair of the Academic Integrity Sub-Committee at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Hearings will be closed to the public. No tape recorder or other recording devices may be present or utilized by the student during the hearing unless the student has a documented disability necessitating the use of electronic devices. Prior authorization for the use of any recording device must be submitted and secured from the Chair of the Academic Integrity Sub-Committee at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. The student will be given an opportunity to speak at the hearing and to present evidence and witnesses on his or her behalf. The student may be accompanied by one other individual at the hearing, but this person cannot participate in the hearing.

The faculty member/academic dean and/or Dean of Student Development will be permitted to speak at the hearing and to present evidence and witnesses. The Chair of the Academic Integrity Sub-Committee and the student may request the appearance of witnesses. The Academic Integrity Sub-Committee and the student may direct questions to such witnesses. A student has the right to decline the Chair of the Academic Integrity Sub-Committee’s request or the accused student’s request to provide information and/or appear at the hearing.

The faculty member may direct questions to the student, witnesses, and the dean through the Chair of the Academic Integrity Sub-Committee. The Academic Integrity Sub-Committee may affirm, reduce or dismiss the decision of the faculty member or the dean.

The student will receive written notification of the decision from the Dean of Student Development within five business days of the conclusion of the hearing.

Appeals to the Vice President of Instruction

A student may appeal the decision of the Academic Integrity Sub-Committee in writing to the Vice President of Instruction within five business days of the receipt of the decision. The role of the Vice President in the appeal process will be to review the entire academic dishonesty proceeding to ensure that the process was conducted according to current College policies and procedures. The Vice President will provide the student with a written notification of findings and a decision within 10 business days of the receipt of the appeal. If the Vice President finds that College policies and procedures were followed, the decision rendered shall be considered final. If the Vice President finds that College policies and procedures were not followed, the Vice President will make a recommendation to the President to appoint and convene a new committee to re-hear the appeal. The decision of the committee in the second hearing will be the final decision for the matter. The student will receive written notification of the committee’s decision from the Dean of Student Development within five business days of the conclusion of the hearing.

Records of Academic Dishonesty Actions and Appeals

All records of academic dishonesty actions and appeals will remain confidential and will be maintained in the Office of the Dean of Student Development. Such information will not be available to unauthorized persons without the express written permission of the student, court subpoena, or other exceptions made under the conditions specified in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.

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