CIP Code: 24.0101
Length: 4 Semesters
The Associate of Arts and Sciences Transfer Degree: Criminal Justice Specialization program is designed for persons who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree in criminal justice. By completing this specialization, students should be able to complete the lower-division requirements for a baccalaureate degree in criminal justice.
In order to be assured that courses transfer to meet lower-division requirements at the specific institution the student plans to transfer to and the major anticipated, students should consult their academic advisor to schedule their courses. Students are also encouraged to investigate guaranteed admission agreements (GAA), available for many colleges and universities in Virginia, contact their selected college’s admissions office, and consult their selected college’s transfer guide if one is available. Counselors and academic advisors can assist with locating these resources.
The following employers hire applicants with 4-year degrees in criminal justice:
- Federal Bureau of Prisons
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- State and national parks
- State and federal prisons, local law enforcement, and corrections agencies
- Private security corporations and protective service
- Risk management/assessment companies
- Private investigative services
- Border patrol
- U.S. Customs
- Child protective services
Admission Requirements
In addition to the admission requirements established for the college, entry into this program requires proficiency in English and mathematics. Through the direct enrollment and self-enrollment survey or other measures students will be placed in the appropriate developmental or corequisite support courses in English and mathematics. Although developmental or support course credits do not apply toward the degree, these courses prepare students for collegiate-level work. Students required to take two or more developmental or corequisite support courses may need additional semesters to complete the degree.
Program Requirement
This curriculum should provide sufficient flexibility to meet lower-division requirements for a major in Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice, and related fields at many colleges and universities, and should allow students to succeed in transferring to obtain a baccalaureate degree. It is extremely important for students to work closely with their academic advisors to ensure a successful transfer.